Monday, May 28, 2018

Holmboe Quartets (Copenhagen String Quartet)

The Copenhagen String Quartet (Tutter Givskov and Mogens Lydolph, violins; Mogens Bruun, viola; Asger Lund Christiansen, cello) gave the first performances of most of Vagn Holmboe's string quartets from No. 7 on (there were twenty in all). For the Danish Fona label, the group recorded the first ten of these, on five LPs. I have three of them:

Holmboe: String Quartets Nos. 1 and 4
The Copenhagen String Quartet
Fona TF 109, one stereo LP record
Link (FLAC files, 215.70 MB)
Link MP3 files, 80.19 MB)

Holmboe: String Quartets Nos. 2 and 6
The Copenhagen String Quartet
Fona TF 111, one stereo LP record
Link (FLAC files, 214.24 MB)
Link (MP3 files, 77.67 MB)

Holmboe: String Quartets Nos. 9 and 10
The Copenhagen String Quartet
Fona TF 133, one stereo LP record
Link (FLAC files, 227.53 MB)
Link (MP3 files, 81.92 MB)

The first of these LPs is a 1970 reissue of a recording originally made in 1963; the other two are 1973 issues. The liner notes, included with the downloads, are all in Danish, so if anyone conversant with that language cares to translate, the rest of us would be much obliged! It should be noted that the cellist in this ensemble, Asger Lund Christiansen, had also played in the Erling Bloch Quartet, who made the first recording of any of Holmboe's quartets, in 1951.


  1. Alternate links:

  2. Hi Bryan - Happy to see that you are back and posting! Thanks for these unusual recordings.

    1. Thanks, Buster - not back for long, I'm afraid. I'm having to move out of the house I've occupied a basement in for 12 years. Some 5,000 records will have to go. Perhaps soon I'll do a post with more details, meanwhile, enjoy the music.

    2. Sorry to hear that. Best of luck to you!

    3. Yes, very sorry indeed - wish we could help! Many thanks for these, as ever, and very best wishes for the move, which I know will not be easy... Nick

  3. Many thanks for these treasures. Rare recordings indeed !

  4. I'm sorry to hear that Bryan. Best wishes for you!

  5. Thank you for all the hard work you have been doing over the years in trying to preserve this amazing music. I hope things turn out well for you on a personal level.

  6. Man there's got to be another way. I did the same thing many years ago and it doesn't end well! Thanks for these qrts. Amazing, and I've been pretty much ignoring his music for 40 years.


  8. I hope you have settled in your new place. We all miss you, and we hope you will come back sometime soon and treat us with some more rare albums. All the best from across the big pond.

  9. Tell us how things are going for you. We miss your posts.Please come back!

  10. Missing your posts...Hope you are fine !
    HAPPY New Year dear Bryan !!

  11. Hi Bryan

    I have read your post and it's very interesting post. I have achieved valuable thoughts from your post. Thanks for sharing such great post...

    Music Time Radio

  12. Hi Bryan!

    I have got to know so many beautiful recordings from your blog in carefully done transfers. Thank you a lot for all your effort and work you have done so far! And best wishes for the future and maybe for refreshing this blog with new, interesting stuff!

  13. Hey Bryan, It looks like you still have an auduence of friends who think about you from time to time and remain greatful for the the music shared through your blog. If you're so inclined, I imagine we'd all like to hear how things are going for you these days. In any event, thanks again.

  14. Praise and gratitude here...I'm just discovering Holmboe, and this is a marvelous discovery to add to the mix. Please update us on your goings-ons. Perhaps someone in "the network" can help.

  15. Bryan: Please tell us how you are doing. We miss your posts!

  16. Hi Bryan, I was researching Strauss' Don Quixote and what should pop up but your post from 2013 of the Columbia set w/ Piatigorsky & Reiner. Nice to know the your work still stands as a legacy of sorts. Just thought I'd drop you a line and let you know. I get the feeling you don't read these comments, but just in case you or someone ever does.... In any case, I hope you're doing well.

  17. Great stuff! (The music and not the spam insurance ad, of course.)

  18. Please let us know your progress. We miss your posts.

    1. Hi, I have an extensive collection at my next estate sale! If interested, please contact me at 404-849-3700.

  19. Please let us know how you are doing. I miss your posts.

  20. Hi, I am an estate sales liquidator. Extensive collection at my next sale. If interested, please feel free to contact me at 404-849-3700.

  21. I am pleased to inform you of the opening of my new blog Concerts&ArchivesHD dedicated to historical recordings.
    A greeting message is online as well as a first post dedicated to Fritz Busch.
    I greatly appreciate your site on which I have downloaded some very rare shellack recordings.
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  23. Amigo, estoy muy agradecido por este bello archivo, muchas gracias, saludos.

  24. Hi Bryan. I know you've retired, but I have some 78's I'd like ripped. Are you interested? Please get back to me. Thanks.

  25. By the way, the above post is from me.

  26. for re-uploads of the entire blog. Daily new uploads. Enjoy.
